
Documentaries on the cinema

This selection of documentaries never released before, allow you to delve into the worlds of the duo Marcel Carné-Jacques Prévert, John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Maurice Ronet or Johnny Hallyday (the actor), or into major periods of the history of the world with Le Temps des Nababs about French producers or the post-war period with L’Ennemi japonais à Hollywood.


Carné-Prévert, drôle de duo by Nicolas Billon and Nicolas Chopin-Dépré (2019, 57min)
The story of the duo Marcel Carné and Jacques Prévert and their creation, early in their careers, of the masterpiece, Bizarre, Bizarre (Drôle de drame).
Villa Lumière Wed.16 2:30pm
Irrésistible Gary Cooper by Julia and Clara Kuperberg (2019, 54min)
The portrait of one of the biggest actors in the history of cinema, an immense American figure, by first-rate documentary filmmakers Julia and Clara Kuperberg.
Followed by
L’Ennemi japonais à Hollywood by Julia and Clara Kuperberg (2019, 52min)
The unknown history of the Japanese in Hollywood, undesirable after the war, and a breakdown of "whitewashing," using white actors to play non-white roles.
Villa Lumière Fri.18 2:45pm
John Wayne, l’Amérique à tout prix by Jean-Baptiste Pérétié (2019, 55min)
Through film clips and archive images, the documentary centers on the discovery of the man behind the legend, from his incarnation of America itself and its values to his impressive filmography.
Villa Lumière Mon.14 5pm
Le Temps des Nababs by Florence Strauss
Episode Les Romanesques (2019, 52min)
Episode Les Tenaces (2019, 52min)
The economic and artistic history of French cinema, exploring the mythical films of every era and their passionate producers: In the first episode: Robert and Raymond Hakim, André Paulve, Alexandre Mnouchkine and Georges Dancigers, Henri Deutschmeister; then Robert Dorfmann, Pierre Braunberger and Anatole Dauman
in the second.
Villa Lumière Sat.12 2:45pm
Les Silences de Johnny by Pierre-William Glenn (2019, 55min, VFSTA)
The personal and moving portrait of singer Johnny Hallyday and his acting career, through the eyes of the greatest personalities of cinema, from Jean-Luc Godard to Claude Lelouch, with commentary on Johnny’s “true calling.”
Villa Lumière Sat.19 10:45am
Paper Screen : Du roman à l’écran by Pascale Cuénot (2019, 52min)
The artistic path of film adaptations of bestsellers, from book to film, and the challenges of the filmmakers who take the risk…
Villa Lumière Tue.15 2:30pm
Pleins feux sur Maurice Ronet by Frédéric Sauzet (2019, 52min)
From archive testimonials and through an examination of his roles, Julien Ronet tries to unravel the mysteries of the career of his father, Maurice Ronet, an outstanding film actor of the Trente Glorieuses (the 30-year post-war boom).
Villa Lumière Thu.17 2:15pm
Robert Mulligan et l’oiseau moqueur by Lionel Lacour (2019, 52min)
Fifty years after Robert Mulligan’s death, this documentary seeks to delve into the committed director’s work, its subjects, and comment on the timeliness and relevance of his themes in today’s America...
Villa Lumière Sun.13 11:45am

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