The accreditations are finally closed
Thanking you for your understanding
Press Accreditation Instructions
Press accreditation allows access to all regular screenings of the festival (subject to availability) 1 seat per accreditation member per screening. Upon presentation of your accreditation badge, our ticket offices will issue, free of charge, the tickets for the screening you have chosen.
For special events (Opening Night, Closing Ceremony, the All-Nighter, Lumière for Kids at the Halle Tony Garnier, Lumière Award ceremony at the Conference Center Amphitheater and cine-concert at the Auditorium of Lyon.)
-> Please send your requests directly to
Points of Sale
-> Hangar du Premier-Film (25, rue du Premier film, 69008 Lyon)
-> From the evening of October 11th : Festival Village (park of the Institut Lumière, 25 rue du Premier film, 69008 Lyon)
For more information: TicketsThe Lumière Press Office 2019
The Press Office will be located at the Winter Garden (Jardin d'Hiver) of the Institut Lumière from October 10.
Audiovisual Press & Accreditations: Frédéric Cassoly & Clément Lemoine (ATG) +33 (0)1 45 21 15 25 |
Regional Press Agent & International Press & Correspondents Audrey Grimaud +33 (0)6 72 67 72 78 |
National Press Agent: Blanche Aurore Duault & Nathalie Iund (Agence MIAM) +33 (0)1 55 50 22 22 |
- The Press Office – after studying your accreditation’s request – will get back to you by email by the end of September as regards the confirmation
- Once confirmed, you may pick up your accreditation badge at the Press Office (at the Winter Garden of the Institut Lumière) from Thursday, October 10.
- A wifi access code for the Festival Village will be given to you when you pick up your accreditation.
In case of technical difficulties
Contact Hot Line : Bureau de Presse : Agence Tournée Générale : Tel : + 33 (0)1 45 21 15 25
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