PostED ON september 10, 2019
For its 10th anniversary, the Lumière festival has created Lumière Classics, a series that aims to support the most outstanding restorations of the year.

Over the last decade, the Lumière festival has become the worldwide event of classic cinema, an international reference dedicated to the history of film, where audiences come together to share the vitality, authenticity and allure of the cinema.
The New Restorations section, a key component of the festival's programming, has been rebaptized “Lumière Classics,” becoming the festival's new label that supports selected movies. Divided into two categories, French films and international films, the label also applies to works of the section "treasures and curiosities."
This year, a jury will oversee and evaluate the new series. The films will not be judged or classified due to their artistry, but rather, assessed on the work of restoration and the potential return of certain films. It will allow Lumière to celebrate those who are committed to helping classic cinema thrive.
French films
Toni by Jean Renoir (1935, 1h22)
A presentation of Gaumont.
4K scan and 4K restoration conducted by Gaumont at the laboratory L'Immagine Ritrovata in Bologna, with the support of the CNC.
Bizarre, Bizarre by Marcel Carné (Drôle de drame, 1937, 1h34)
A presentation of the Théâtre du temple and Grands Films Classiques.
4K restoration conducted by Les Grands Films Classiques at Vectracom laboratory from a sound negative and image print.
Woman of Evil by Edmond T. Gréville (Le Diable souffle, 1947, 1h32)
A presentation of Studiocanal.
Restoration in 4k with the help of the CNC from the original image and sound elements at the Laboratoire Hiventy.
Rue de Paris by Denys de La Patellière (Rue des prairies, 1959, 1h31)
A presentation of TF1 Studio.
Restoration in 4K conducted by TF1 Studio from the French image and sound negatives, with the support of the CNC and Coin de Mire Cinema. Digital and photochemical work performed by the Laboratoire Hiventy.
Swords of Blood by Philippe de Broca (Cartouche, 1962, 1h56)
A presentation of Carlotta and Studiocanal.
Our thanks to Marina Girard-Muttelet (Crossing).
Restoration in 4k with the help of the CNC from the original elements of image and sound at the Laboratoire L’Image Retrouvée.
Dark Journey by Léonard Keigel (Léviathan, 1962, 1h38)
A presentation of Héliotrope films.
The screenings will be introduced by Léonard Kiegel.
4K restoration conducted by Héliotrope Films at the Éclair and L.E. Diapason laboratories, with the support of the CNC, directly supervised by the director Léonard Keigel, from the 35mm negatives of image and sound.
Male Hunt / The Gentle Art of Seduction by Edouard Molinaro (La Chasse à l’homme, 1964, 1h31)
A presentation of TF1 Studio.
Restoration of the 4K complete version led by TF1 Studio from the French negatives of image and sound, with the support of the CNC and OCS. Digital and photochemical work performed by Éclair laboratory.
A Bag of Marbles by Jacques Doillon (Un Sac de billes, 1975, 1h40)
A presentation of Pathé.
Scan 4K and restoration in 2K led by Pathé, with the support of the CNC, conducted at Laboratoire Hiventy from the original 35mm negatives.
The Princes by Tony Gatlif (Les Princes, 1983, 1h35)
A presentation of Artedis, Arte and Princes production.
The screenings will be introduced by Tony Gatlif.
4K restoration conducted by the Cosmo Digital laboratory under the supervision of Tony Gatlif in June 2019 to commemorate his 40-year career.
Liberty at Night by Philippe Garrel (Liberté, la nuit, 1983, 1h19)
A presentation of INA.
The screenings will be introduced by Philippe Garrel.
Restoration in 2K conducted by the INA from the negative, a zero 35 mm print and optical sound.
International films
Moonrise by Frank Borzage (USA, 1948, 1h30)
A presentation of Théâtre du Temple.
Restoration in 4K led by Criterion from the camera of origin negative.
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman by Albert Lewin (England, 1951, 2h04)
A presentation of Cohen Film.
Restoration in 4K conducted by The George Eastman Museum from a 35mm interpositive created in 2007. Audio restoration by Audio Mechanics, completed by Cohen Film Collection, with the support of OCS. Special thanks to Luca Bigazzi, Director of Photography, for his supervision of the calibration.
Miracle in Milan by Vittorio De Sica (Miracolo a Milano, Italy, 1951, 1h36)
A presentation of Artedis and the Cineteca di Bologna.
4K restoration by the Cineteca di Bologna and Compass Film Foundation from the original image and sound negatives and a vintage interposite preserved at the Studio Cine laboratory, in collaboration with Mediaset, Infinity, Arthur Cohn and Variety Communication.
5 Fingers by Joseph L. Mankiewicz (USA, 1952, 1h48)
A presentation of Swashbuckler Films.
4k restoration led by Technicolor for 20th Century-Fox and Swashbuckler Films from the original 35mm negatives.
The Cranes Are Flying by Mikhaïl Kalatozov (Letyat jouravli, Russia, 1957, 1h37)
A presentation of Potemkine.
4k restoration led by Mosfilm from the original negatives.
The Joy of Living by René Clément (Che gioia vivere, France, Italy, 1961, 1h53)
A presentation of The René Clément Foundation and Les Films du Camélia.
Restoration in 2K from the original negative conducted at the Video Master Digital laboratory (Rome) by Intramovies, Paola Corvino, Mediaset (Italy) and the René Clément Foundation (France).
Cremator by Juraj Herz (Spalovač mrtvol, Czech Republic, 1968, 1h36)
A presentation of Malavida.
4K restoration by the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in collaboration with the Prague National Archives and the Czech Film Fund from the original negative and the interpositive preserved at the Prague National Film Archive. The French subtitled version and the DCP 4K were done by Titra Film for Malavida.
Reversal of Fortune by Barbet Schroeder (USA, 1990, 1h51)
A presentation of L'Atelier d'images.
The screenings will be introduced by Barbet Schroeder.
The Oak by Lucian Pintilie (Balanta, Romania, 1992, 1h45)
A presentation of MK2.
Restoration in 4K conducted by the Fundation9 and MK2. The original negative was digitized in 4K at the Laboratoire Hiventy and restored, image by image, in 4K by the Digital Cube laboratory.
Once Were Warriors by Lee Tamahori (New Zealand, 1994, 1h43).
A presentation of La Rabbia.
HD scan based on the original negative under the supervision of cinematographer Stuart Dryburgh. Transfer and restoration by the New Zealand Film Commission.
Treasures & curiosities
Rarities from archives, film libraries and rights holders from around the world allow audiences to discover unknown or little-known works.
The Fifth Seal by Zoltán Fábri (Az ötödik pecsét, 1976, 1h47)
A presentation of the Hungarian National Film Archive.
4k restoration presented by the Hungarian National Film Fund - Film Archive. The restoration was carried out in 2017 by the Hungarian Film Lab from the original negatives. Digital color calibration was supervised by Lajos Koltai DOP (HSC).
The House is Black by Forough Farokhzad (Khaneh siah ast, 1963, 20min)
A presentation of Ecran Noir Productions.
The Hills of Marlik by Ebrahim Golestan (Tappeh-haye Marlick, 1963, 15min)
A presentation of Ecran Noir Productions.
Restorations conducted by Ecran Noir Productions and the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna at the L'Immagine Ritrovata laboratory in Bologna, using 35mm original film preserved by Ebrahim Golestan, the National Film Archives of Iran and the Cinémathèque française, thanks to the support of Madame Mahrokh Eshaghian and Genoma Films.
A Woman’s Decision by Krzysztof Zanussi (Bilans kwartalny, 1975, 1h36)
A presentation of the Polish Film Institute.
Restoration produced by Tor Film Studio (Artistic Director: Krzysztof Zanussi) at Di Factory, with financial support from the Polish Film Institute as part of the Poland Digital restoration program. Calibration supervised by the films’ director of photography, Slawomir Idziak.
As Asmas e o povo by the Collectif des Travailleurs du Secteur Cinématographique (1975, 1h21)
A presentation of the Cinemateca Portuguesa.
Restoration in 4K from the original negatives preserved at the Cinemateca Portuguesa. Digital calibration from a distribution print as a reference.
The Assassin of the Tsar by Karen Shakhnazarov (Tsareubiytsa, 1991, 1h45)
A presentation of Mosfilm.
The screenings will be introduced by Karen Shakhnazarov.
Restoration in 4K conducted by Mosfilm under the supervision of the director and producer of the restoration, Karen Shakhnazarov.
Field Lilies by Elo Havetta (Ľalie poľné, 1972, 1h20)
A presentation of the Slovak Film Institute.
4K digitization and 4K restoration conducted by the Slovak Film Institute from different elements, including the negative. Calibration supervised by the director of photography of the film, Dodo Šimončič.
The Flight of the Eagle by Jan Troell (Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd, 1982, 2h20)
A presentation of the Swedish Film Institute.
Digital restoration in 2K conducted by the Swedish Film Institute.
All Things Fair – Love Lessons by Bo Widerberg (Lust och fägring stor, 1995, 2h10)
A presentation of Malavida.
Restoration in 2K conducted by Trust Nordisk, French subtitling by Titrafilm for Malavida.
Zone grise by Fredi M. Murer (Grauzone, 1979, 1h39)
A presentation of the Cinémathèque suisse.
Restoration in 4K conducted by the Cinémathèque suisse, with the support of Memoriav, and with the collaboration of Fredi Murer at the Cinegrell laboratory (Zurich) and Tonstudios Z (Zurich).