One day, one volunteer

Adeline Morlé :
« contributing to one of the most important events in Lyon »




One of her all-time favorite films is The Motorcycle Diaries by Walter Salles, starring Gael García Bernal, guest of honor of the festival.

Actuzen Unjourunebenevole6
Copyright Institut Lumière / Laura Lépine

Adeline Morlé, 37, plans to be in the front row for the Master Class of Mexican actor-director whom she also adored in Pedro Almodóvar's "Bad Education." Two years ago, this young woman from Villeurbanne joined the team of volunteers of the festival, welcoming the public to the Hangar du Premier-Film, distributing the newspaper at the Amphitheater 3000 and putting badges in envelopes for volunteers. Adeline does not conceal her pleasure of "contributing from the inside to one of the most important events in Lyon,” a role that she has occupied for two years as a member of the association Clubhouse, a partner of the festival. Trained in teaching schools, Adeline has always been involved in the community, including giving courses with the organization "The Oasis Sans-Souci" and also by taking the "Street Library," proposed by the ATD Fourth World association to several districts of the Lyon metropolitan area. The young woman also tutors newly arrived children in France. Always eager for knowledge and enjoying "contact with people," she is taking advantage of the festival to "focus more on classic films," while also revisiting the filmography of one of her favorite actors, a certain Daniel Auteuil...


Laura Lépine

Categories: Lecture Zen