One day, one volunteer

Fabiola Ravaonirisoa : « I love meeting and interacting with people! »




Her first screening and first mission, the 2019 version of the Lumière festival will remain etched in the memory of Fabiola Ravaonirisoa, 37 years old.


Actuzen Unjourunebenevole3Copyright Institut Lumière / Laura Lépine


A year after her arrival in Lyon, for love, the young woman from Nosy Be near Madagascar became both a festivalgoer and a volunteer for this tenth anniversary of the festival. A fan of Chaplin, Fabiola took along her husband Pierre for the Film-Concert held Sunday at the Halle Tony Garnier. An intern at the Rhône-Alpes Training Institute (IFRA), this is her first participation as a festival volunteer. At the Village Lumière, she ensures the distribution of the daily newspaper and welcomes the public to the shop. "Greeting the public is a little bit my specialty. I love meeting and interacting with people!” she confides with a broad smile. After being employed as a waitress in the hotel and restaurant industry, then as a sales associate in the automotive division, followed by work in a boutique-bar in her native island, Fabiola now takes French courses at IFRA with an objective of joining the retail sector in Lyon. In the meantime, Fabiola appreciates each moment of this first experience at the festival and does not hide her happiness as an attendee: "I love comedies, Charlie Chaplin in particular. And the atmosphere at La Halle Tony Garnier was super!" A great way for Fabiola to enjoy the pleasures of her adopted city.


Laura Lépine

Categories: Lecture Zen