Gael García Bernal :

the taste of others




Gael García Bernal invites the festivalgoers on a trip around the world

"Thank you for this invitation to the Lumière festival and thank you to the public, it's great to see that there are young people and more experienced young people here to see this film! In impeccable French, actor Gael García Bernal arrived at the festival on Thursday to a full house at the Pathé Bellecour for the screening of The Motorcycle Diaries, directed by Walter Salles.

It was a great way to warm up the audience by the actor-director who plays Che Guevara in the movie. "This film was a nice surprise for me, it was wonderful to embody this key figure of the 20th century, Che Guevara. It was particularly a pleasure to tell the story of the youth of this historical character, his dreams, his decisions, before he became a legend," explained the actor, who will hold his first Master class at the Lumière festival this Friday morning at the Comédie Odeon.

Directed by Brazilian filmmaker Walter Salles, The Motorcycle Diaries traces the journey undertaken in 1952 by young Ernesto Guevara across Latin America. A founding adventure for the one who will become the legendary Che Guevara. Released in 2004, The Motorcycle Diaries also marked a turning point for Gael García Bernal, both in on and off the stage: "In making this film, something happened, it was the beginning of a journey for me towards freedom. And as Rodrigo de la Serna, my partner in the film, says, "my home has become bigger" since that experience. I hope this film will make you want to discover the world, as it did for me. To meet the other who we imagine is far away, but who is actually closer to us than we think!" An invitation to travel and to share, met with the beaming eyes of the students of Saint-Joseph de Bourgoin-Jallieu middle school, present in the theater.

Gael Garcia Bernal Laura LepineCopyright Institut Lumière / Laura Lépine




Lara Lépine

Categories: Lecture Zen